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Mary Jane Miller : Mary of Seven Sorrows

Miller, Mary Jane

Mary Jane Miller

<p style='text-align: justify;'> "Mary of Sorrow is the softener of evil hearts, she tilts her head lovingly towards our planet Earth with a Divine Message. Seven swords pierce her heart; indicating the fullness and boundless sorrow, pain, and "sickness of heart" that would have been experienced by Mary the Mother of Jesus at His crucifixion. The seven swords represent the union of flesh and spirit; Earth's four cardinal points and the holy trinity. Three swords enter her heart on the left, right, and one from underneath. Mary of Sorrows icons are associated with the prophetic prayer of St. Simeon, "Yea, ...And a sword will pierce Your Soul too, that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed ." (Luke 2, 34-35). She stands with her hands clasped in prayer with a Divine Message for humanity. We are capable of turning away from our hard-headed attitude towards climate change happening all around the globe." </p>

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