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Mary Jane Miller : The Nativity

Miller, Mary Jane

Mary Jane Miller

<p style='text-align: justify;'> "Luke 1:38 "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May your word to me be fulfilled." I researched many icons to come up with this one rendition of my own. Only two of the Gospels have nativity stories, each illustrating different details in the text. Matthew focuses on the righteousness of Joseph and includes the Magi or Wise Men bringing gifts when they arrive at the "house." Luke's narrative mentions a manger, shepherds, and choirs of angels used here to frame the upper portion of the icon. The composition integrates the two versions and accentuates the energy of the earth as holy ground. God was acting again upon his creation: the earth rises as if awakened to this approaching act of love and mystery. Mountains crack open in darkness; within the darkness, Mary reclines on a white cushion. The spiraling motion surrounding the event culminates in the center where Mary and the child embrace cheek to cheek. The place where Mary and the face of Jesus touch is at the very center of the icon, expressing their intimate love and private connection." </p>

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