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Mary Jane Miller : A Mother's Love Holds the World

Miller, Mary Jane

Mary Jane Miller

<p style='text-align: justify;'> Our planet's climate is warming, and it may be a natural occurrence. However, the Earth has evolved over billions of years to achieve a delicately balanced environment for abundant life. Humanity has neglected our responsible for taking what we have not created and failing to replenish the vacuum we have left. We did not create the Earth; we do not sustain the Earth, but it is in our power to care for the Earth. Mary is seen here gently caressing our planet as Divine Mother. She carried our Lord and His divine wisdom released throughout Creation. The figure of Mary holds the created order with a tender embrace that reminds us of how fragile our Ecosystem is. Humanity cannot continue to abuse the natural laws and balance that have been put in place by God over millennia. Our species cannot continually take what has been freely given and disregard mother earth's generous capacity to empty herself for our benefit. We must learn to be compassionate for one another as well as the rock we live on. </p>

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